CS Distinguished Lecture Kickoff: Bjoern Hartmann

Professor Bjoern Hartmann visiting the HCIL Hackerspace on his CS Distinguished Lecture visit to UMD.
It was my pleasure to help host the CS department's first distinguished lecturer of the year: Dr. Bjoern Hartmann from UC Berkeley. Bjoern is a dynamo and polymath in HCI--a leader in digital-physical fabrication tools, crowdsourcing, and creative design tools. Bjoern gave a great talk on Interactive Design Tools for the Maker Movement that covered research in and envisionments of a 21st century workshop. Watch the talk here.

Of great relevance to us with the construction of our brand new CS building (the Iribe Center, which will have two large Makerspaces), Bjoern is the faculty director of the new Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation and co-founder of the CITRIS Invention Lab at Berkeley. He has extensive experience designing, building, and using (for research and teaching) state-of-the-art Makerspaces.

More News By Jon E. Froehlich





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